Consider the system shown in the single-line diagram of Figure 3. All reactances are shown in…

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Consider the system shown in the single-line diagram of Figure 3. All reactances are shown in…

Consider the system shown in the single-line diagram of Figure 3. All reactances are shown in per unit to the same base. Assume that the voltage at both sources is 1 p.u. c- Find the fault current due to a bolted-three-phase short circuit in the middle of line 1- 3. [5 points d- Find the voltages at buses 1 and 2 under the fault conditions of part c above [5 points] 0.225 pu. 0.035 pu. 0.2p.u ? 0.15 p.u. 0.215 ?.u. 0.125 p.u Figure (3) Single-line diagram for Problem 5
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