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ACCT 301 Cost accounting Discussion Paper

ACCT 301 Cost accounting Discussion Paper Course Name: Cost accounting Student’s Name: Course Code: ACCT 301 Student’s ID Number: Semester: summer term CRN: Academic Year:1442 H The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder. Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted. Students are advised to make their work clear … Read more

Mathematics Discussion Questions Assignment

Mathematics Discussion Questions Assignment DISCUSSION QUESTIONS PART A,B,C! Must BE 75-100 WORDS! PART A: Algebra is a subject that was not created by one person. While al-Khwarizmi is credited as inventing algebra, many mathematicians such as Diophantus, Brahmagupta, and Rene Descartes also participated in advancing algebra. For your discussion this week research the history of … Read more

Logistic regression Excel and Minitab

Logistic regression Excel and Minitab Question1. A researcher is studying how predictors, such as GRE (Graduate Record Exam scores), GPA(grade point average) and Prestige (prestige of the undergraduate institution; a value between1 (lowest) and 4 (highest)), will affect admission into graduate school. The response variable iscodedasAdmit=1ifthestudentisadmitted and Admit=0ifnot. a) Use Minitab to develop and state … Read more

Chemistry Discussion Question Assignment

Chemistry Discussion Question Assignment Identify which of the following is a strong acid (select all that apply)   a) NaHCO3                 b) HOCN            c) HNO3                   d) HClO3 A. c and d only B. b and c only C. b and d only D. c only E. d only F. a and b only G. b only H. a, b, … Read more

Ekphrasis work of art Discussion

Ekphrasis work of art Discussion Understood as a rhetorical exercise wherein one describes a work of art through some other lively, rhetorical, and/or artistic mode, ekphrasis is a significant tradition in the Humanities. This assignment puts you into that tradition, calling on your skills and strategies of creative description to engage with a work of … Read more

Informatics In Healthcare Discussion Assignment

Informatics In Healthcare Discussion Assignment Beginning in Module 1 of this course you have been researching a healthcare informatics topic of your choice. Present the findings in a recorded presentation between 7 and 12 minutes in length. The presentation should include a PowerPoint and oral presentation of the slides. There is no slide number requirement. … Read more

Data Based Changes Discussion

Data Based Changes Discussion Identify one aspect of big data and data mining that is interesting to you. Explain the concept and how it might bring value to healthcare. Describe the concept of continuity planning. If you were the director or manager for your current workplace, describe the preparedness program you would recommend. Locate an … Read more

Boserup Book Review Assignment

Boserup Book Review Assignment Start the book review with a half-page summary of ideas presented in Boserup. Next Draw comparisons across ideas shown by Boserup with the ideas presented in Beneria’s textbook and/or any other readings or issues you find relevant today. The idea is how well you can draw parallels between then and now. … Read more

NURS6052 Develop a PICO(T) question

NURS6052 Develop a PICO(T) question Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry. Develop a PICO(T) question to address the clinical issue of interest you identified in Module 2 for the Assignment. This PICOT question will remain the same for the entire course. Use … Read more

HA405 Leadership And Ethics In Health Care

HA405 Leadership And Ethics In Health Care The instructor will divide the class into two equal groups. Check the Announcements section of the class for your Group. Group 1: Support the claim that people should be able to buy organs for transplant if they would not be able to receive an organ by waiting their … Read more


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