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Continuing our discussion of Chapter 11 of Tricia Rose’s The Hip Hop Wars, we’ll focus on Rose’s point about Profiting from Black Suffering. Rose writes, “Anti-hip hop critics, in particular, rarely mention the structural context for what are decidedly problematic behaviours, preferring instead to call the whole thing ‘dysfunctional black culture,’ and thus wash their hands of the entire affair (Rose 224).” According to the author, the tropes of black suffering used

Continuing our discussion of Chapter 11 of Tricia Rose’s The Hip Hop Wars, we’ll focus on Rose’s point about Profiting from Black Suffering. Rose writes, “Anti-hip hop critics, in particular, rarely mention the structural context for what are decidedly problematic behaviours, preferring instead to call the whole thing ‘dysfunctional black culture,’ and thus wash their … Read more

A hypothetical disease is found to result from defective interleukin-3 (IL-3) signalling due to a mutation in the gene encoding the kinase JAK2. This mutation results in the production of an enzyme with only 30% of the catalytic activity of wild

A hypothetical disease is found to result from defective interleukin-3 (IL-3) signalling due to a mutation in the gene encoding the kinase JAK2. This mutation results in the production of an enzyme with only 30% of the catalytic activity of wild-type JAK2. Please use scientific writing and resources

The task is to write a literature review about deep learning models for predicting building heating and cooling loads in arid climate, baised on three research gaps as explained below, and using the references attached at the end Tuning deep learning models for predicting building heating and cooling loads in arid climate Abstract

The task is to write a literature review about deep learning models for predicting building heating and cooling loads in arid climate, baised on three research gaps as explained below, and using the references attached at the end     Tuning deep learning models for predicting building heating and cooling loads in arid climate Abstract … Read more

By analyzing modern addiction, the history of opiates, and current medical practices, what were the major factors that led the United States to their current opiate epidemic, and are there any safe solutions? My essay aims to peel back the layers of the current opiate epidemic the United States is currently facing, and find the main causes. While many drugs (legally prescribed or otherwise) are causing issues in the US, opiates are quickly becoming the

By analyzing modern addiction, the history of opiates, and current medical practices, what were the major factors that led the United States to their current opiate epidemic, and are there any safe solutions? My essay aims to peel back the layers of the current opiate epidemic the United States is currently facing, and find the … Read more

For the second assignment, it is an individual report. you should choose an established restaurant chain operation. You should then consider its development and current position against the theoretical framework of the service firm lif

For the second assignment, it is an individual report. you should choose an established restaurant chain operation. You should then consider its development and current position against the theoretical framework of the service firm life cycle. You should identify any opportunities or issues that might face the business at this stage of its development. The … Read more

The English language is British, and this is based on UK law. * Add the OSCOLA referencing style accompanied by appropriate footnotes (See the sample Styles). * Add at least 10 r

The English language is British, and this is based on UK law. * Add the OSCOLA referencing style accompanied by appropriate footnotes (See the sample Styles). * Add at least 10 references and use journals and books related to the topic. You can use fewer references from websites if you need to. * See the … Read more

The paper is based on Law, Private International Law 2. The paper must have previous decided cases from the UK and the Commonwealth etc to show how application of the law is applied The use of footnotes is mandatory and the Bluebook 19th Edition, OSCOLA or APA citation method m

The paper is based on Law, Private International Law 2. The paper must have previous decided cases from the UK and the Commonwealth etc to show how application of the law is applied The use of footnotes is mandatory and the Bluebook 19th Edition, OSCOLA or APA citation method may be utilized. The assignment must … Read more

H​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍​alfords Group Fraud – ‘Comply or Explain’ Approach of the company Halfords Group plc using the company’s 2019 annual report and the UK Code of Corporate Governance 2016 version. 1. Critically discuss and evaluate the ‘Comply or Explain approach’ in the UK Corporate Governance frameworks using argumen

H​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‌‍‍​alfords Group Fraud – ‘Comply or Explain’ Approach of the company Halfords Group plc using the company’s 2019 annual report and the UK Code of Corporate Governance 2016 version. 1. Critically discuss and evaluate the ‘Comply or Explain approach’ in the UK Corporate Governance frameworks using arguments for and against this approach cited in the … Read more

Outline why you have chosen this subject and the aims of your literature search. Link this to research, policy, guidance, systematic reviews, and/or other forms of authoritative evidence- 200 words Chosen subject is ‘Is tap water as effective as saline for wound care in adults? chosen due to a placement with tissue viability and the

Outline why you have chosen this subject and the aims of your literature search. Link this to research, policy, guidance, systematic reviews, and/or other forms of authoritative evidence- 200 words Chosen subject is ‘Is tap water as effective as saline for wound care in adults? chosen due to a placement with tissue viability and they … Read more


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