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Patti Hathaway

      “Change Agents.” Go to the website of Patti Hathaway, ” the change agent” at http://www.thechangeagent.com/.This is a commercial website that introduces Patti Hathaway The post Patti Hathaway first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.       “Change Agents.” Go to the website of Patti Hathaway, ” the change agent” at http://www.thechangeagent.com/.This is a … Read more

Achieving Carbon Neutrality

  Read the following articles (links are also posted on myCourses): Cohen, Ariel, “Microsoft Joins the Corporate Rate to Zero Carbon,” Forbes, January 24, 2020. https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2020/01/24/microsoft-joins-the-corporate-race-to-zerocarbon/#433c846529e5 The post Achieving Carbon Neutrality first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.   Read the following articles (links are also posted on myCourses): Cohen, Ariel, “Microsoft Joins the Corporate Rate to … Read more


  1rst paragraph few cases in childbirth presenting hypertension. Do you mean pre-eclampsia? Can elaborate on this or remove. Also Genetic heritance in newborns Is that The post Hypertension first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.   1rst paragraph few cases in childbirth presenting hypertension. Do you mean pre-eclampsia? Can elaborate on this or remove. Also Genetic … Read more

Strategic management 2

          Learning outcomes: 1. Understand the contribution of various functional areas e.g. production, marketing, purchasing and supply management to the overall well-being The post Strategic management 2 first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.           Learning outcomes: 1. Understand the contribution of various functional areas e.g. production, marketing, purchasing … Read more

Company Description & Evaluation Instructions

Company Description & Evaluation Instructions Instructions Part I: Your Organization Write a brief (150-200 words) summary about the organization you plan to focus on throughout the course. What service/product is sold to whom and for what? Then, describe the following aspects of your chosen organization: 1. Problem-Solving Process Think of a recent issue that you … Read more

Principles Of Business Management

Principles Of Business Management n this assignment, you’ll be developing the third section of the Camp Bow Wow Dog Park Summary Report that is based around the concept of the strategic importance of information. Businesses operate in an area where information is useful data that can influence customer behavior, and as such, information has a … Read more

Journal Article Strategic Philanthropy

Journal Article: Strategic Philanthropy Your submission must include the following information in the following format: DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement. SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-word range. Be … Read more

PUB550 Interpreting Qualitative Interview Assignment

PUB550 Interpreting Qualitative Interview Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to practice interpreting qualitative interview transcripts by recognizing patterns. This is called coding and it is an important skillset for public health professionals. For this assignment, code the “Interview Transcript” document. Use the “Coding Qualitative Data Worksheet” to document your results from the “Interview … Read more

Contemporary Issues Project CIP Assignment

Contemporary Issues Project CIP Assignment The Contemporary Issues Project is an online student presentation that will cover a contemporary issue in human resource management. A list of suggested topics can be found below. These are just suggested topics. Please feel free to choose another topic. If you would like to email me to check if … Read more

Assignment #1: Introduction to WCC, Environmental and Work Place Hazards, Deadline for submission is 27 June at midnight. There is a five-point penalty per day for late submissions. 1) What is the original definition of White-Collar Crime? Of course, the original got a lot of criticism, in your opinion, which of those concerns are the most valid? Explain. Given your analysis, what is a workable definition of WCC? Lastly, explain why WCC is an important concept in the field of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 2) One of the p

You should use in-text citations to document information that is not “common knowledge”. Construct your essays in your own words, do not simply cut and paste from your reading materials. There are ten essay questions for each of the four Assignments. Unless marked otherwise, there are ten possible points for each of the essay questions … Read more


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