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In Regards To The Case Of New Jersey V. T.L.O, Analyze The Case And Adress The Following: Identify Three Justifications For The Search Identify The Special Need And The Expectation Of Privacy Balanced In This Case Present Your Own Decision On This Case. This problem has been solved! In regards to the case of New Jersey v. T.L.O, analyze the case and adress the following: Identify three justifications for the search Identify the special need and the expectation of privacy balanced in this case Present your own decision on this case

In Regards To The Case Of New Jersey V. T.L.O, Analyze The Case And Adress The Following: Identify Three Justifications For The Search Identify The Special Need And The Expectation Of Privacy Balanced In This Case Present Your Own Decision On This Case.
This problem has been solved!

In regards to the case of New Jersey v. T.L.O, analyze the case and adress the following:

Identify three justifications for the search
Identify the special need and the expectation of privacy balanced in this case
Present your own decision on this case


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