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From your readings, what is the difference between a “screening” and “assessment” measure? In thinking about your future work in the field of Human Services, and reading the information for this unit, why would some clients “lie” on self-report instruments in regard to reporting their drinking behaviors? How would human service professionals know that the person is being dishonest? What should be done when a client is untruthful in this situation?

1. From your readings, what is the difference between a “screening” and “assessment” measure? In thinking about your future work in the field of Human Services, and reading the information for this unit, why would some clients “lie” on self-report instruments in regard to reporting their drinking behaviors? How would human service professionals know that the person is being dishonest? What should be done when a client is untruthful in this situation?

Think of a client you have worked with (or if you have limited experience you can hypothesize about a client) who was dishonest on a screening or assessment instrument when it comes to alcohol. How did you approach this situation? What went well or what would you have done differently? Be detailed in your example and explanation.

2. Often times, you could be put in a situation where your client could be in a predicament as a result of problematic drinking. In thinking about the proper way to recognize alcohol issues and assessment, what did you learn from NIAAA’s 4 steps from our required reading about the screening and assessment process?

How were the cases helpful in preparing for your future in the Human Services field? Please discuss 2 cases in detail. Were these cases similar in any way to those you have already encountered in your work in the field? Additional thoughts? Be sure to use detailed examples to support your statements.

3. Often times, it is a clinician’s job to help identify when a client’s drinking has become problematic. Based on the reading and the videos indicated for this unit, what do you think it “takes” to develop the skills to properly be able to use a screening test or assessment measure effectively?

What characteristics are important for the clinician in working with someone who might be defensive, resistant, or even in denial about his/her drinking problems? What would you do to try to help a client in this situation? Have any of you been in this situation and how did you handle it? Be sure to view the short videos to aid in your discussion and use examples.


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