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Choose an existing process for providing an international company’s goods or services, or a product or service’s supply chain and document and flowchart the process or supply chain and critically analyse the process/supply chain and offer an alternative flowchart and rationale supported by the themes, theories and concepts covered in the module. ( Try to describe the business and the characteristics of their operations process such as; The Volume of Output, The Variety of Output, The Variation demand of output, The Visibility of customers.


This Module focuses on the management of organizational operations that are used to deliver the product (either a good or service) to the customer and the management of projects – ad hoc or ongoing. The project requires that a process or supply chain be identified, flowcharted, analyzed, and preparation of project plans using various planning tools. 

A: Choose an existing process for providing an international company’s goods or services, or a product or service’s supply chain and document and flowchart the process or supply chain and critically analyse the process/supply chain and offer an alternative flowchart and rationale supported by the themes, theories and concepts covered in the module. ( Try to describe the business and the characteristics of their operations process such as; The Volume of Output, The Variety of Output, The Variation demand of output, The Visibility of customers.

B: Assuming the selected organisation wishes to expand its facilities in another country as there are concerns that all the provisions and facilities for direct selling are all based at one location. Thus in the event of a major disaster, such as, fire or flood, this important retail provision would be lost for some considerable time. To reduce this risk, it is proposed that the increased capacity should be developed at another location in a different country. In the review and the labour force availability the board of directors have selected either Africa or Asia as being the ideal locations. The project team is made aware that no construction works are necessary for this project, therefore no building plans are required. It is anticipated that the new provision will be fully commissioned between six months to one year. The project commencement date will be at the start of the module. 

You are required to produce a project plan for the proposed new facility which must include a schedule, budget, and how the project will be monitored and evaluation of the project risks and how they will be monitored to ensure everything goes according to plan. 

This part 2 should be written like a proposal ( i.e. What does the business wants to do? This will define their operations strategy. ) . What resources or materials do they have to achieve the strategy.  Is it their corporate, Business or Operational strategy? Use PESTLE analysis and put it in appendix.  Talk about competitive factors, Location, effects of the product/service life circle i.e Introduction-Growth-maturity- Decline. You can use a curve chart to demonstrate this.

Talk about Performance Objectives such as Quality, Speed, Dependability, Flexibility, Cost known as the PUSH system. Use this to explain this part 2.


The report will include:

  • A detailed process/supply chain flow chart including process inputs, process outputs, activities, activity times, processing and labour requirements.  

  • An understanding of the relevant theories, concepts and models

  • Critical capacity analysis of the process/supply chain, including the strategies used to address expected customer demand.

  • Suggested metrics used to measure the process or supply chains performance, and how a changed process may improve them.

  • Project plan with associated schedule and budget for the new facility including the rationale.

  • Address other relevant issues as appropriate, such as:

    1. Customer demand and process capacity relationships

    2. How production is planned, from customer demand to production schedules

    3. Quality Management issues

    4. Product/service delivery issues

    5. Collaboration and coordination issues

    6. Other applicable operations, process or SCM issues or concerns

    7. The use of project management tools and techniques


In the assignment, you will need to demonstrate understanding and application of theories and themes covered in the module.

MAN7064 Individual Report Structure


In order to help you understand better for the Individual Report, here is the structure you may follow:


Introduction -> Main Body -> Conclusion 



Brief background information of the case company, 4Vs


Main Body:


Part 1 – Operations Management of Case company

These are all the different theories that you will be learning per session.

Definition (of the theories) -> Explanation (of the theories) -> Application (in your case company)


Finish with a summary of Good practices of the company’s operations, or Recommendations for the company to improve.


Part 2 – Project Management

For your case company to expand in a New Location / Country in Africa or Asia. 

Session 9 and 10 will be on Project Management.

There are Gantt Charts, Project Proposal / Budgeting, Risk Assessments, SWOT that you would be using for this part.




Recommended reading list and resources



Slack, N. and Brandon-Jones, A., (2019) Operations Management, 9th Edition, Harlow: Pearson

Slack, N. and Brandon-Jones, A., Johnston, R. (2016) Operations Management, 8th Edition, Harlow: Pearson


Essential Reading

Chopra S. and Meindl, P., Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation, 6th Edition, Harlow: Pearson

Slack, N. (2018) Operations and Process Management: Principles and Practice for Strategic Impact, 5th Ed, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited [eBook available]

Slack, N., and Brandon-Jones, A. (2018),  Essentials of Operations Management, 2nd Edition, Harlow: Pearson 

Recommended Reading

Dalcher, D. Editor (2019), Leading the Project Revolution: Reframing the Human Dynamics of Successful Projects, New York: Routledge

Payne, J., Roden, E., and Simister, S. J. (2019), Managing Knowledge in Project Environments, New York: Routledge

Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., Mantel, S. J. (2017) Project Management in Practice, 6th Edition, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley


Background reading (Project Management)

Kerzner, H. R. (2017) Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, 12th Edition, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons





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