In order to achieve module learning outcomes and assessment criteria, you need to select a topic area for an investigative primary research project. You are given freedom to select an area that interests you. The research itself is dependent on you, the context of your area of learning, your focus of interest and the anticipated outcomes. You may draw together a range of other areas of content within the programme of study to form a holistic piece of work that makes a positive contribution to your area of interest. However, it is expected that your project will be work focused and you will demonstrate your knowledge, understanding and application of aspects of Project Management, while addressing a “live” issue. Task 1 of 1 – Research Project Proposal (All LOs)
You must provide a bibliography and a word count at the end of your work. The bibliography is not included in the word count. Assignment Brief This assessment will require you to propose an independent, small scale research project by using appropriate research approach, strategy, methodology and techniques that make up formal research. In order … Read more