1 IBCP REFLECTIVE PROJECT Raising work-related complaints online Student Name Course Institution



Raising work-related complaints online

Student Name





In any organization, there are ethical standards that guide its operation. In this case, there is an ethical dilemma on social media rants which entails complaining about work online. It is a dilemma for the organization on whether to state that any tine of work complaint that an employee post online on their social media is a determinant of their disloyalty to work. It is viewed as affecting the organization’s reputation which calls for a penalty. However, it is a dilemma of why would an organization punish an employee for posting on their socials if it does not affect the business. I am interested in this ethical dilemma because there is a need to draw a line on what is punishable or not punishable on basis of its effects on an organization’s business. The use of social media has increased where employees feel free to share their working experiences and in some cases, they tag their organization. If the post is negative, it negatively affects the organization’s reputation. This is a topic of interest to see where we draw the line on when an employee is punishable or not.

This ethical dilemma is linked to my CRS in that it informs me what is expected, what should not be done. Further, it expands my knowledge on how organizations address different ethical issues that face the organization. From this ethical dilemma, the research question is; when is an employee punishable or not punishable for what they post on their social media?

In researching this ethical dilemma, I will use a methodology approach where I will do a research purpose, research approach, and a research strategy. Population and sampling design will be redesigned to study different employees’ involvement in media, what they post and how such posts affect the organizations they work in.

In this essay, I will focus on different perspectives on the ethical dilemma should be handled. For instance, an employee should not post any work complaints on their social media which could affect the organization’s reputation. However, if they cannot post any negative complaint about the organization which is punishable then once they post a positive review on the company then they should be rewarded. This means that while a Facebook post complaining about employment may not be punishable on its own, it may be if it reduces business. Similarly, business owners must be able to recognize and not penalize employees who report wrongdoing to regulatory agencies or on social media. Another perspective is viewing that work complaints should not be taken out of the office and that employees should post their matters on their personal social. Hence, to reduce the potential of ambiguity, a business should specify which online acts are considered infringements. From a positive view, when employees post on work complaints can be viewed as employees raising awareness of organization breaches hence should not be punished.


Burson, Nicole. “How to Be Ethical in Digital Marketing.” UpCity, 7 Oct. 2021, https://upcity.com/experts/how-to-be-ethical-in-digital-marketing/. 

“Ethical Digital Marketing.” Optimove Web Services, 29 Aug. 2021, https://www.optimotive.co/ethical-digital-marketing/.

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