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CJ 642: Cybercrime and Cybersecurity INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Abigail Novak 304 Mayes Hall,

CJ 642: Cybercrime and Cybersecurity INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Abigail Novak 304 Mayes Hall, School of Applied Sciences, Department of Legal Studies, The University of Mississippi, 84 Dormitory Row West Office Hours- Monday, 1:00-4:00 p.m., Wednesday, 12:00-2:00 p.m. via email anovak@olemiss.edu COURSE MEETING TIMES AND LOCATION: 8 weeks (online) DESCRIPTION: This course is intended to investigate cybercrime … Read more

CJ 340 Module Seven Practice Activity Template Complete this template by replacing

CJ 340 Module Seven Practice Activity Template Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Be sure to correctly cite any references in APA format in the References section below. Choose two criminal behaviors from the list below: Vandalism (graffiti artist) Selling drugs (street level) Manufacturing counterfeit goods (handbags and clothing) … Read more


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