Informed Consent Form
I am conducting a study about Cyber Security. I invite you to participate in this research. You were selected as a participant because you were victim of breach of cyber security in the Twitter Spear Phishing and the Zoom credential hack companies. Please read this form and ask any questions you may have before consenting to be in the study.
This study is being conducted by: researcher :Prem chander Boinapally.
Background Information:
The purpose of this study is bring awareness of how cyber infiltrators have developed many ways of hacking into systems. In this day and era, cyber security helps maintain order, and keep the internet safe for users. The current digital era has influenced change in the ways we buy things, bills get paid, watch movies, how people pay mortgages and rent houses just to mention but a few. Incidents of security breaches are widely reported as well as fraud, malicious cyber-attacks, fraud, hacking, and cyber-bullying making it necessary for the need of cyber security.
Consent forms will be provided for minors, to be signed by their guardians indicating approval for conducting the research on minors. Experts also will have to sign a consent form indicating that they freely and willingly gave information to their best of their knowledge and without any bias whatsoever. Adults also will sign a consent stating the same that they willingly gave information free from coercion or biasness.
If you participate in this study, I will ask you to do the following things. Provide relevant information as provided for in the questionnaires or provide relevant answers when called or when an interviewer conduct the survey face to face. Information provided will remain confidential. You may ask questions of the researcher at any point in the study. Participants will require to fill in written questioners especially for the focus group and online through mail. Some other participants will be called by surveyors to collect the relevant information and will be asked questions also from the questionnaires. The focus groups will comprise of minors, their guardians, and affected members of cyber-attacks. The aim of the focus groups is to bring the people with the commonality of being cyber attacked together to shed light and give their personal perspectives on the cyber-attack research. Meetings will be conducted online and physically where groups will me in designated public spaces as promptly communicated through email. Participants especially those conducting the surveys will travel across the designated geographical areas of group meetings.
Risks and Benefits of Being in the Study:
The study has several risks. First, the victims may get traumatized and emotional. Second, big corporation may fire their employees for giving out information of breaches in their system not made public. Third, threats maybe issued by corporations who feel the need to bury this kind of information.
There is minimal risk of emotional discomfort if you choose to participate in this study and be recorded. If needed for support, resources can be reached at There is risk of being traumatized, fired and threatened by the corporations under review might be inevitable.
There are no immediate benefits to you for participating in this study.
The direct benefits of your participation are: awareness will be raised to help fight cyber security breaches. The consumer will gain awareness and be protected from cyber criminals. Consumers will get better know how of why and how these breaches occur. Businesses and organizations will know what measures to adopt to reduce cyber-attacks.
In any publications of the results, pseudonyms will be used in place of names of participants or locations. The records of this study will be kept private. In any sort of report I publish, I will not include information that will make it possible to identify you in any way. Research records will be kept secured; my Judson University research advisor and I are the only people who will have access to the records as well as video and audio recordings. No names will be noted down with the answers on questioners. The questioners won’t capture details of the participant filling it. After compilation and deduction of the research the questioners will be burnt.
Video Recordings
Video recordings for data analysis, and portions of recordings may be presented in a professional context. Although real names will not be used in presentations of the research, and responses will be treated with confidentiality to anyone outside of the project research staff, participants might be identifiable to people who recognize them in video recorded artifacts. Recordings will be kept until completion of study groups sessions, face to face interviews, telephone interviews, and online meetings through the designated platform and destroyed immediately thereafter after compilation of data collected. Please sign below if you are willing to have your image recorded. You may still participate in this study if you are not willing to have your image recorded. If you are not willing to be video recorded, the camera will be situated in the classroom at an angle that will avoid capturing your image. Any unintentional video recording(s) of you will be edited to blur their image, causing them to be unrecognizable to viewers.
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Signature Date
Audio Recordings
Interviews may be audio recorded for data analysis, and portions of recordings may be presented in a professional context. Although real names will not be used in presentations of the research, and responses will be treated with confidentiality to anyone outside of the project research staff, participants might be identifiable to people who recognize them in audio recorded artifacts. Recordings will be kept until completion of degree and destroyed immediately thereafter. Please sign below if you are willing to have the interview(s) audio recorded. You may still participate in this study if you are not willing to have the interview(s) audio recorded.
__________________________ ___________
Signature Date
Voluntary Nature of the Study:
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect your current or future relations with your employer or Judson University. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. Should you decide to withdraw from the study, data collected about you, or your students will only be used up to the point of your withdrawal.
Contacts and Questions
My name is Prem chander Boinapally. You may ask any questions you have now and at any point through the research process. If you have questions, you may contact me at You can also contact my advisor Dr. Olabisi Adenekan email which is Or the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990.
You will be given a copy of this form to keep for your records.
Statement of Consent:
I have read the above information. My questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I give consent to participate in the study.
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Printed Name of Participant Date
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Signature of Study Participant Date
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Signature of Researcher Date
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