In Delfi AS v Estonia (2013 ECtHR) a post on a news portal online garnered hateful and defamatory comments from an anonymous user: International Human Rights Law Assignment, UCC, Ireland

Case Law: In Delfi AS v Estonia (2013 ECtHR) a post on a news portal online garnered hateful and defamatory comments from an anonymous user. Delfi had failed to take down the comments in a reasonable amount of time. The comments were left on the site for six weeks before they were taken down. While … Read more

Voluntary False Confession – A false confession knowingly given in response to little or no police pressure: Miscarriages of Justice Assignment, UOL, Ireland

Miscarriages of Justice Voluntary False Confession – A false confession knowingly given in response to little or no police pressure. Reasons inter alia incl. a pathological desire for notoriety, a need for self-punishment over prior transgressions, mental impairment, and a desire to protect the actual perpetrator. Compliant False Confession – a false confession knowingly given … Read more

A fully secret trust arises where, on the face of the will, a gift appears to be absolute but, in fact, the testator has agreed: Equity & Trusts Assignment, GC, Ireland

INTRODUCTION: A fully secret trust arises where, on the face of the will, a gift appears to be absolute but, in fact, the testator has agreed with the recipient that the property will be held on trust. In a half-secret trust, the existence of the trust is disclosed in the will but not its nature. … Read more

From the perspective of an investor, analyze the performance and financial position of Carroll Stores based on the information given: Business Reporting and Analysis Assignment, GCD, Ireland

From the perspective of an investor, analyze the performance and financial position of Carroll Stores based on the information given. The report should include comparisons with the key sector ratios given as well as all other relevant ratios. The managing director has sent you an email stating that the company is exploring equity investments in … Read more

Breda incorporated her business on the 1st of January 2023. Her company, Clarke Limited has a 12-month accounting period which will end: Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax Assignment, GCD, Ireland.

Part A: Breda incorporated her business on the 1st of January 2023. Her company, Clarke Limited has a 12-month accounting period which will end on the 31st of December 2023. Breda would like you to explain the schedular system for Irish corporation tax purposes. Explain what schedule and case her news agency trade would fall … Read more

5N1390: Team effectiveness is enhanced by a team’s commitment to reflection and ongoing evaluation. In addition to evaluating accomplishments: Personal effectiveness Assignment, OC, Ireland

Team effectiveness is enhanced by a team’s commitment to reflection and ongoing evaluation. In addition to evaluating accomplishments in terms of meeting specific goals, for teams to be high performing, it is essential for them to understand their development as a team. Most of us are familiar with the concept of “the terrible twos” in … Read more

A new technology that has received a lot of interest lately is wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs are made up of a sizable: Computer Networks Dissertation, KU, UK

A new technology that has received a lot of interest lately is wireless sensor networks (WSNs). WSNs are made up of a sizable number of tiny sensor nodes with wireless communication capabilities that can collect and transfer data from their surroundings. Numerous industries, including environmental monitoring, healthcare, smart homes, agriculture, and military surveillance, have adopted … Read more


辅导代写接单- EFIM20005: Management Science – Case Coursework 2022/23 欢迎使用51辅导,51作业君孵化低价透明的学长辅导平台,服务保持优质,平均费用压低50%以上! EFIM20005: Management Science – Case Coursework 2022/23 Administration This is the third of three assessments for this unit. It accounts for 60% of total unit marks. Please submit your work presented in a single Word document via Turnitin. The assessment is to be completed individually … Read more


辅导代写案例-AMME5202 Major Project 欢迎使用51辅导,51作业君孵化低价透明的学长辅导平台,服务保持优质,平均费用压低50%以上! AMME5202 Major Project Due: Midnight Friday, Week 13 Submit online. This assignment should take a typical group 40 hours per group member to complete. You should organise yourselves into groups of up to 4 members to work on this assign- ment, submit one report per group. The report must contain … Read more

Provide financial analysis of Nestle Malaysia from years 2020, 2021 and 2022. In

Provide financial analysis of Nestle Malaysia from years 2020, 2021 and 2022. Include data and explanation of the business performance based on the data. Please write based on below component Financial Structure Evaluation Debt Ratio Debt-to-equity Ratio Interest Coverage Ratio Evaluation of Insolvency Current Ratio Quick Ratio Evaluation of Profitibility Gross Profit Margin Operating Profit … Read more


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