Case Study for Assessment 1

Case Study for Assessment 1, 2 and 3, MIS 605 Page 1 of 2Marketing Research and Data Analysis Scenario (The Case) Book reading is an extremely healthy activity. It has many benefits and above all, it is exciting, entertaining and a great way to release stress, anxiety and depression. These are not the only benefits. … Read more

Your team of specialist consultants have been tasked, by the partner in the consulting firm where you are employed, to undertake a six-week Agile project to perform a conceptual feasibility study to prepare the industry partner (case study} for what to

Assessment Task Write a 1000-word-case study report in response to the provided case study. While most of the material can be found in both the case and study notes, you wili be required to do further research in the topic area to broaden your knowledge. The topic in the case study relates to Business Information … Read more

Assessment Task 2: Group presentation

Assessment Task 2: Group presentation Due Date:                Presentations start in week 8 PowerPoint Submission – one person per group must submit it by 1st of May 2023 at 11.59pm Weighting:              30 % Length:                   15 – 17 minutes presentation by each group Task: This task requires students to form groups of 4-6 members. Each group will … Read more

MGBBT1TMP Tourism Marketing Principles: An in-class presentation analysing the students’ chosen hospitality, travel or leisure company of their choice, using The Marketing Mix.

Module code: MGBBT1TMP Module title: Tourism Marketing Principles An in-class presentation analysing the students’ chosen hospitality, travel or leisure company of their choice, using The Marketing Mix (10mins) Task requirements: OVERVIEW This assignment will encourage the students to apply the academic skills, demonstrate their understanding and ability to analyse Students are required to design and … Read more

Health and social care workers need to ensure that individuals have the right to choose what happens to them, while ensuring: Adult Care Essay, UOL, UK

Health and social care workers need to ensure that individuals have the right to choose what happens to them, while ensuring that they maintain a duty of care, both in terms of protecting the individual and others who may be affected by the individual’s choices or behavior. Sometimes conflict arises between the two, and any … Read more

Task Summary

MIS605_Assessment_2_Brief_Design Specification Page 1 of 5Marketing Research and Data Analysis Task Summary Based on your responses to Assessment 1 – Written assessment, perform process and data modelling and develop and document a number of design diagrams using UML (including Context Diagram, Level 0 and Level 1 Data Flow Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram). Context In Assessment … Read more


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