FMT306 The Government Land Sale Programme is instrumental in shaping the physical development of Singapore into an attractive city: Strategic Asset, Property & Facilities Management Assignment, SUSS

Question 1
The Government Land Sale Programme is instrumental in shaping the physical development of Singapore into an attractive city with a good quality of life.

You are the developer who is keen to bid for this parcel of land at Woodlands Avenue 2.
Estimated Site Area: 2.75 hectare Lease Period: 99 years Land Use : Commercial/Office/Residential Assuming you are the asset manager of the joint venture company created for this project and with the aid of MS Excel, appraise the land price for this white site using the discounted cash flow analysis.

Embed your MS Excel file into your MS Word file (MS Word>INSERT>Object>Create from File>Browse>Select your MS Excel file>Insert>Select “Display as an icon”>Click
“OK”). In one excel file, create: A worksheet to fill in the following information:

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