Your paper should: Relate the source to broader historical events, developments,

Your paper should:
Relate the source to broader historical events, developments, or processes that occur before, during, or continue after its time.
Uses appropriate, relevant, and historically accurate evidence from at least two additional secondary sources to develop and explore ideas that respond to the source.
Uses appropriate, relevant, and historically accurate evidence from at least two additional primary sources to develop and explore ideas that respond to the source.
States a conclusion that is a logical extrapolation from the inquiry findings.
Follows expectations appropriate to writing task for basic organization, content, and presentation, including citations
Use the “Questions to Address” section below to help guide your thought process.
Your paper should be no less than 2 pages, not including “Works Cited” pages. 
Your paper should have 1” margins and use 12-point Helvetica, Garamond, or Century Gothic font. 
Spelling and grammar count (use the spell and grammar check on your computer). 
Make sure to cite all sources using Chicago, MLA, or APA format
Provide a “Works Cited” page to list the resources you used in completing this assignment. 
Assignments must be turned in electronically via SafeAssign on the course’s Blackboard page. 
Refer to the rubric for more detailed requirements
Questions to Address:
How does the source reflect the issues and concerns of the time?
What are the speakers’ view of the future?
Pair 1 additional questions to address: Reagan/Obama
What was the result of the 1964/2004 election? 
What were the main factors in determining the election’s result?
How does this source preview the speaker’s own presidential campaign and policies?
Pair 2 additional questions to address: Schlafly/Steinem
What claims and evidence does the speaker use to defend their position?
What opposition to their position does the speaker acknowledge?
What opposition does the speaker not address?
YouTube links :

Reading links:


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