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You need to rewrite the week 5 milestone doing a SWOT like y

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You need to rewrite the week 5 milestone doing a SWOT like you did for week 4 assignment. The milestone you turned in did not have a SWOT analyis in the first section as required. Also, you submitted what you did in the last class with now changes.I allowed you to turn in previous work with the changes I recommended from the previous class. Review the suggestions in the paper I sent you and revise your week 5 MS2 submission.In section 2 you need to tell me if your proposed service is to address an opporunity or a weakness.You need to revise section 3 to provide a mareketing goal as I indicated in the notes.The section on ethics needs to be improved as suggested as well.Please look over the paper with track changes and comments I sent to you.

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