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The purpose of this assignment is to (1) become familiar with nursing research and the evidence- based practice in gerontological nursing; and (2) integrate findings into your current and future practice with older adults. The article report is based on reading from an Evidence-Based research article, published in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal related to a course topic. Articles from the last 3 years only are acceptable.

The purpose of this assignment is to (1) become familiar with nursing research and the evidence- based practice in gerontological nursing; and (2) integrate findings into your current and future practice with older adults.

The article report is based on reading from an Evidence-Based research article, published in a peer-reviewed scholarly journal related to a course topic. Articles from the last 3 years only are acceptable.

Some suggested journals include: The Gerontologist, The Journal of Gerontology, Geriatric Nursing, Journal of Gerontological Nursing, International Journal of Older People Nursing, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Nursing Research. You may use any journal but be sure that is a scholarly article authored by a nurse as sole author or part of the research team, and has nursing implications.

Synthesize the research and results (2 paragraphs maximum) with a focus on summarizing the purpose, method and results. The focus of this paper is NOT on critiquing the methodology or data analysis (as it would be in a research course), but rather on the utility of the research for nursing practice with older adults as well as implications for your current and/or future practice with older adults. The following headers MUST be used to organize the paper: Summary of the Research Study; Relevance to Nursing Practice; Lesson Learned; Implications for Nursing Practice. The research report should be double-spaced and 3 pages long excluding the title page and reference page. APA format is required.

Evaluation Criteria Possible Points Points Earned
1. Summary of the research study (in your own word) 2
2. Describe the relevance of this research to nursing practice with older adults 4
3. Lessons learned from the study and specific implications for your current/future nursing practice (in your own word) 6
4. Critical thinking, logic flow and use of headers (see above) for organization 2
5. APA citation, grammar, organization (headers), writing style, clarity, within page limit 2
6. Appropriate choice of scholarly peer-reviewed research article from a professional journal 1
7. Article is attached in PDF format 1
8. Article is published within 3 years in a professional journal 1
9. The research article authored by a nurse as sole author or part of the research team 1





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