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Interview two married couples – Reflection paper

For the paper, you have the opportunity to choose the topic that most interests you: infant attachment, identity development, or marriage). You can choose based on when they are due or which topic interests you the most. The paper is worth 100 points and the papers should be roughly 3-5 pages double spaced. It is … Read more

Ending hunger – U.S. Agency for International Development

Technology, Policy, and Problem Solving For this Assignment, you will write a draft proposal to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to implement an existing technology to end hunger in any single developing nation anywhere in the world. Be sure that your proposal includes these elements. Introduction Conduct internet research to write a referenced … Read more

NetBeans IDE, Java program – Manage employee’s salary

The ultimate goal of this assignment is to illustrate the use of object-oriented concepts of encapsulation, and inheritance to create hierarchies of related classes. Using NetBeans IDE, write your own Java program to solve a real-life example.  An example of that would be a Law Firm Employee program to manage the employee’s salary, vacation time, … Read more

Write an ethical argument in which you address the question: “How far should humans go to protect the environment?”

Ethical (Rogerian) Thesis/Outline Instructions and Checklist     Thesis Statement/Outline Assignment   In Module/ Week 4, you must develop a thesis statement and outline for the 1000-1200 word ethical argument essay that you will write in Module/Week 5.  Your thesis/outline assignment should include a clear thesis statement with a clear ethical argument and an outline … Read more

research that explores the intersection of ethics, business model, sharing economy and digitalisation.

Ethics, Business Model and the Sharing Economy Table of Contents 1          PROPOSED THESIS TITLE AND TYPE 2          PROPOSED SUPERVISORY TEAM 3          BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW 3.1       INTRODUCTION 3.2       LITERATURE REVIEW 3.3       RESEARCH PROBLEM 4          METHODOLOGY   1         Proposed Thesis Title and Type Thesis Title: “Ethics, Business Model and the Sharing Economy” Thesis Type: Thesis by … Read more

Why was Arizona able to do this and do you agree with their decision to reinsert this provision in the State Constitution?

Arizona’s Switch-a-roo According to Politico.com in their discussion of Arizona’s journey to Statehood, “The Arizona Territory submitted a draft Constitution to Congress in early 1912. President Taft, however, insisted on deleting the recall provision since it also provided for the recall of judges — an idea the president abhorred. After it was removed, Taft signed … Read more

Use the exponential definition of sinh(x) and cosh(x) to show cosh (X) = cosh(2x)+2 b) Solve the equation 6 cosh(4x) + 30 sinh(4x) = 15, giving your answer in terms of a natural logarithm

Use the exponential definition of sinh(x) and cosh(x) to show cosh (X) = cosh(2x)+2 b) Solve the equation 6 cosh(4x) + 30 sinh(4x) = 15, giving your answer in terms of a natural logarithm Question 2 (4 marks total) Without using a calculator, solve the following system of equations for x E and y E … Read more

Why is the incidence of Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy highest in males?

A few human traits have easily identifiable patterns of inheritance. These are called “Mendelian traits” because they follow the rules of inheritance established by Johann Gregor Mendel in 1865. Mendel studied garden peas, a plant that usually self-fertilize because both the pollen containing the male gametes and the pistil containing the female gametes are enclosed … Read more


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