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Define the business problem

Vale S.A. is a Brazilian multinational corporation engaged in metals and mining and the largest producer of iron ore and nickel in the World. One of the cities where Vale operates is Mariana. Mariana has grown and thrived along with Vale, which now is the largest employer in the city. Therefore, the population has always … Read more

Describe, in concrete, actionable terms, your action plan for becoming an increasingly effective leader and team member.

Knowing and refining your principles and your approach toward leading people is a lifelong exercise toward being an effective leader. Using the principles of this class, you will outline your leadership philosophy and an action plan for your own development in approximately 10 double- spaced, typewritten pages. It is important to note that a major … Read more

discuss your chosen organisation and or ideas with your lecturer before you start your research.

This is an individual assessment. This report gives you the opportunity to research, formulate, develop and document a basic security policy for a specific organization in Australia ECXEPT for BANKING/MORTGAGE organisation. Moreover, you are required to analyze, record, resolve security incidents and identify and assess the threats to, and vulnerabilities of the organisation’s networks. This … Read more

prepare a Strategic Marketing Report for Latrobe University (the company and the brand) as it adjusts to a competitive university market that includes online learning.

Assessment Task     Strategic Marketing Report Situation Analysis (Individual Report). (2000 words)     Description of task:   Your task is to prepare a Strategic Marketing Report for Latrobe University (the company and the brand) as it adjusts to a competitive university market that includes online learning. Note that the brand here is Latrobe … Read more


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