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Does this story remind you of other books you have read. movies you have seen, or experiences you have had? Describe and explain the similarities

Choose one of the prompts from the list for each of your stories. In other words, use a different prompt for each story. Responding to the prompt, write a 250-word formal journal entry for each story. Explain your ideas clearly using direct evidence from the text and organize each response thoughtfully. Use the notes you … Read more

How does Loretta Ross describe herself? With which activist organization has she worked and assumed positions of leadership?

Reproductive Justice. 1. How does Loretta Ross describe herself? With which activist organization has she worked and assumed positions of leadership? 2. How does Rickie Solinger define herself? Identify two questions she has worked to answer. 3. Summarize the authors’ positions on the need to be inclusive in the use of language. 4. Identify the … Read more

Draw a simple food web for a natural area near you.

Food Web Draw a simple food web for a natural area near you. The natural area can also include your backyard, open areas of condo and/or apartments, work, school, etc. Include producers and at least three levels of consumers, as well as, detritivores, and decomposers. Include the HAND-DRAWN food web. Describe your area (no address … Read more

If you opened a small business, would you use the cash basis or the accrual basis of accounting? What factors would you consider in your decision

principle of accounting Businesses elect to use different accounting approaches. Two of the popular approaches are accrual and cash basis accounting methods. If you opened a small business, would you use the cash basis or the accrual basis of accounting? What factors would you consider in your decision The post If you opened a small … Read more

After reading about Bell, California, discuss what techniques or steps you would take to instill trust in public administration.

Trust – Public Administration After reading about Bell, California, discuss what techniques or steps you would take to instill trust in public administration. In 500 words, do the following: Create a plan to instill trust with citizens in regard to public administration. Include specifically what action you as an administrator will take. Use two to … Read more

In adult patients with COPD, what is the effect of Telemedicine/Telehealth visits on reducing COPD exacerbations?

In adult patients with COPD, what is the effect of Telemedicine/Telehealth visits on reducing COPD exacerbations? Paper is to be organized as follows: Title Page. Introduction. Background and Significance Theoretical Framework Methods (Databases searched, key search terms used, inclusion/exclusion criteria) (make sure you change the tense to past tense). Flow Chart. Results – Characteristics of … Read more


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