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Orientation and Onboarding

  A new employee that has just been hired becomes acquainted with the organization as well as his or her new coworkers, department, and job during orientation. This is a time for the organization to help the employee assimilate to the new culture of the organization. Orientation would typically last for one to two days, … Read more

Conduct a search of the websites of your local and state health departments regarding activities in epidemiology.

Conduct a search of the websites of your local and state health departments regarding activities in epidemiology. Then log on to the websites for the following national and international agencies. Describe how an epidemiologist might contribute to the following employment settings: a. A local health department b. A state government health agency, such as a … Read more

write a brief critique of the article. In addition to discussing the criteria suggested in the appendix, mention what improvements, if any, you would make in the article.

Capstone exercise: This exercise is included here because it requires skills developed in the previous chapters of the text. Select a data-based article from the American Journal of Public Health, the American Journal of Epidemiology, or other public health journal of your choice. Refer to Appendix A (Guide to the Critical Appraisal of an Epidemiologic/Public … Read more

If we assume that share prices grow at the same rate as a company’s IRR, how many years would it take to double your share price if you invested in a growth company’s shares?

Growth technology companies typically do not issue dividends to their shareholders. Their argument is that their IRR is much higher than the historical Wall Street growth indices, and their earning are better invested into new products. If we assume that share prices grow at the same rate as a company’s IRR, how many years would … Read more

treat the SSA problems posed here as independent items from your income. SSA is an annuity where the decision when to take it rests on the merits of the three options above, nothing to do with your salary?

One of the major concerns for middle-aged folks is when to retire and start receiving social security payments. The Social Security Administration (SSA) gives you the following guidelines: a. Retire at age 62. SSA payments are reduced by 25 percent, and you can only earn less than $14,000/year before further reduction of your payments. b. … Read more

How will we handle work and information gathering assignments in anticipation of conducting future meeting business?

How will we handle work and information gathering assignments in anticipation of conducting future meeting business? Is the nature of this conflict constructive or destructive? Have the previously agreed-upon team accomplishments or behaviors been violated?  Are the emotions of those involved elevated to an extent that it would not be a good time to intervene … Read more


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