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How does Marx explain the why a commodity becomes money?

On page 139 Marx states “Everyone knows, if nothing else, that commodities have a common value-form which contrasts in the most striking manner with the motley natural forms of their use values. I refer to the money form. Now, however, we have to perform a task never even attempted by bourgeois economics. That is, we … Read more

Position Analysis

Four-bar Mechanism (leading form): Given: r1 =2.5in., r2 = 1.0in., r3 = 3.1in., r4 = 2.0in., a3 = 1in., b3= 1.0in. Find: Use the spreadsheet (4bar template.xls) posted on Canvas to find q3, q4, xp, and yp for each value of q2 from 0°-360° (in increments of 10°). Plot a scatter plot of q2 vs. … Read more

ENGL 201 Section 064; Write a rhetorical analysis

Use this speech for analysis: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/06/09/remarks-president-lgbt-pride-reception Write a rhetorical analysis of at least 1000 words using MLA format (as described under the Document Formatting heading in the syllabus) including using an appropriate MLA heading. If your final rhetorical analysis does not meet this minimum length requirement, then it will not be accepted and will incur a … Read more

A new grocery store is being erected that will demolish a neighborhood basketball court. Who would be some internal stakeholders? Who would be some external stakeholders? Imagine you are the project manager of a team tasked with building a new hotel. When brainstorming project communication plan considerations, what would you list under “purposes”?

A new grocery store is being erected that will demolish a neighborhood basketball court. Who would be some internal stakeholders? Who would be some external stakeholders? Imagine you are the project manager of a team tasked with building a new hotel. When brainstorming project communication plan considerations, what would you list under “purposes”? SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT … Read more


How well do you feel is your medical health? How often do you visit the physician? Is there anything that interferes with your medical health? I.e., smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet, insufficient resources or medical insurance to seek medical care. How many medications do you take on a daily basis? What are they for? … Read more

CSCI 457 Assignment 2 – Hexadecimal Calculator

CSCI 457 Assignment 2 – Hexadecimal Calculator • The calculator should support 4 basic arithmetic operations: + – * and / • The calculator will operate on hexadecimal numbers, not decimal numbers • The calculator only needs to operate on unsigned integers (i.e. UInt). You do not need to consider negative numbers or fractions. • … Read more

Finance 330 Bond Performance Analysis

If the par value of the bonds is $1,000, the last prices will be as follows: Bond price = C x + Where: C = Periodic coupon payment, F = Face / Par value of bond, r = Yield to maturity (YTM) and n = Number of periods till maturity Therefore, with a par value … Read more


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