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Make sure the sources exist in the databases provided by the FTCC library before proposing a topic. Locate between seven to ten scholarly sources related to the specific focus of your topic.

You MUST make sure the sources exist in the databases provided by the FTCC library before proposing a topic. For this assignment, you will be required to locate between seven to ten scholarly sources related to the specific focus of your topic. As you read the articles, pay special attention to the separate issues they … Read more

Motor Carriers/Railroads

      Perform the following tasks. Step 1: Post your response(s) to the following prompt(s) on the discussion board: If appropriate, include personal experience in your responses   Review the video in the Link below: Customer Service http://www.viddler.com/embed/765c2261/?f=1&autoplay=0&player=full&disablebranding=0 *Discuss how the motor carrier industry must be improved over the next decade to provide the … Read more

The effect of COVID-19 to Africans/black

    Discuss the effect of COVID-19 to Africans/black race and how unpreparedness aids to her thriving among the blacks.       The post The effect of COVID-19 to Africans/black first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

The Hebrew Prophets

    Research the topics of Authorship & Dating one of the Writing Prophets. Seek and use Academic / Scholarly Journal articles, Critical Commentaries with an Editor, and / or other non-biased scholarly resources. The textbook for the class is New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha. the class is The Hebrew Prophets. The post The … Read more

Research Report Information Sheet

Task Prepare a research report as described in the Research Report Information Sheet. Preparation Engagement with the lecture materials, tutorial activities, and reading of assigned materials. Review the relevant chapters and complete the learning checks throughout the chapters. Carry out independent research using the CDU Library data bases. The post Research Report Information Sheet first … Read more

Critical Reflection Essay

Step 1: Capture your topic. Take a moment to think about what you identify as one of the most meaningful, relevant lesson presented in the course readings or supporting materials, for Weeks 3 and 4. Select a 1-2 sentence direct quotation from the applicable learning resources that references, in a germane way, the issue, idea … Read more

Functions of the binocular compound light microscope

    Microscopy Review parts and their functions of the binocular compound light microscope A compound light microscope has ( 1 / 2 / 3 ) lenses to magnify an object. Record magnification power for your microscope: ocular or eyepiece _____ scanning objective _________ low power objective _______ high power objective _____ oil-immersion objective ________ … Read more

Health Care Analysis

  https://youtu.be/bkp7zqaclM0 “Medicare Turns 50” “Healthcare Reform Hits Main Street” 1. After you watch “Medicare Turns 50”, what are two reasons why this piece of legislation took many years to be passed and implemented? 2. What happened that older Americans lacked health insurance prior to 1965? What system/How did older Americans receive coverage or pay … Read more

Business Intelligence: Interesting Visualizations

      Part 1: Please watch the 18 minute TED Talk on “The Beauty of Data Visualization” by David McCandless, and answer the following questions: • What are some of the thoughts you had before, during and after watching the video? What does McCandless mean by data is meaningless without context? • Why do … Read more


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