In this hands-on project, you will be downloading a database from the Lifetime Media Company, a film and graphics company that does onsite filming and photos. The company

In this hands-on project, you will be downloading a database from the Lifetime Media Company, a film and graphics company that does onsite filming and photos. The company uses this database to manage equipment assigned to its employees. You will be completing the following tasks in Microsoft Access: Create a stand-alone macro Create an embedded macro.Create … Read more

The remote workplace has become common throughout all industries, and as such, presents new challenges for cybersecurity professionals and new opportunities for bad actors.

The remote workplace has become common throughout all industries, and as such, presents new challenges for cybersecurity professionals and new opportunities for bad actors. Moving a workforce to a remote work scenario requires that current security policies be adjusted to consider remote work-specific attack vectors and associated vulnerabilities. Create a 10- to 12-slide digital presentation … Read more

ISSC451 Term Final- You must write a 5-8 page term paper on a topic of your choice related to cybercrime (ALL TOPICS MUST BE APPROVED). Some examples would include, how to avoid being a victim of cybercrime

Instructions You will be required to write one term paper this semester. The specifications are as follows: You must write a 5-8 page term paper on a topic of your choice related to cybercrime (ALL TOPICS MUST BE APPROVED). Some examples would include, how to avoid being a victim of cybercrime, the laws surrounding cybercrime, … Read more

The paper should be between 2500 to 5300 words excluding the title page content and the references page content. At a minimum include the following: Detailed description of the area researched Technology involved in the area Future

Instructions Details of Project Paper (10%): You must include at least ten references. Prepare a 10-15 page paper in Microsoft Word (counts as 10% of the final grade) in APA format (see writing expectations in the Policies section) (350 words per page). The paper should be between 2500 to 5300 words excluding the title page … Read more

Scenario: You have been approached by a hotel owner who would like you to forecast expected payoffs for him. The hotel has 100 rooms, and they would like to maximize their revenue by selling as many as possible at full price, and selling the rest to

The purpose of this Assignment is to practice creating and interpreting an expected payoff table, which will help a hotel determine how many of its rooms to offer at a discount, and how many to offer at full price. By forecasting the expected revenue at different levels, you can help the hotel maximize its revenue … Read more

Case Study eMoney  A hybrid cloud model is the preferred model for organisations looking to modernise their environment, offering all the advantages of an on-premises cloud, with the ability to meet regulatory

Assessment 3: Report Due date: Week 7 Group/individual: Individual Word count/Time provided: 2000 Weighting: 30% Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, and ULO5  Assessment 3 Detail  Case Study eMoney  A hybrid cloud model is the preferred model for organisations looking to modernise their environment, offering all the advantages of an on-premises cloud, with the ability … Read more

IT 600 Final Project- Develop an organizational profile that analyzes the tasks performed by the organization, the computer applications in use or expected to be in use, and the estimated system loads anticipated for

IT 600 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview IT professionals are often called upon to make decisions, provide recommendations, and perform analyses that require an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of an operating system. This summative assessment will provide students with the knowledge and skills required to achieve and maintain this level of understanding … Read more

You will conduct a literature review (scholarly sources only) on Information Governance. You   will determine how researchers have attempted to examine that issue by   collecting data

Deliverable You will conduct   a literature review (scholarly sources only) on Information Governance. You   will determine how researchers have attempted to examine that issue by   collecting data (you are not collecting data; just reporting on prior   research). As you read   the literature, it will become apparent that there are multiple issues.   Select one issue that … Read more

Cybersecurity principles of IT focus on a set of practices intended to keep a corporate infrastructure secure. These practices include, but are not limited to, system, data, internal, external, and physical security. The principles

Cybersecurity principles of IT focus on a set of practices intended to keep a corporate infrastructure secure. These practices include, but are not limited to, system, data, internal, external, and physical security. The principles are designed to prevent unauthorized access or alterations of a corporate environment. By understanding how cybersecurity principles are defined, they can … Read more

In China, psychological understanding grew from the philosophical works of Laozi and Confucius, and later from the doctrines of Buddhism. This body of knowledge involves insights drawn

In China, psychological understanding grew from the philosophical works of Laozi and Confucius, and later from the doctrines of Buddhism. This body of knowledge involves insights drawn from introspection and observation, as well as techniques for focused thinking and acting. It frames the universe in term of a division of physical reality and mental reality … Read more


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