You will work in groups on a project to apply the concepts and skills covered in

You will work in groups on a project to apply the concepts and skills covered in class to support an actual management practice or evidence-based claim.  These will be done as a group and every group member will receive the same grade based on participation. Participation will be assessed by a group evaluation at the end of the semester. 
This project requires you to analyze and summarize data, make a case for the evidence, and detail recommendations for action based on your findings. Each group will read and analyze the case “Money Cash Flow Inc: HR Analytics Applied to Employee Retention and Well-Being Issues.” An executive style final report – not a traditional academic paper – will be written using the storytelling techniques discussed in class. Papers should be around 10-12 pages in length and should include the following:
Give a short overview of Money Cash Flow (MCF).
What is the nature of the call center jobs with the retention issues?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of MCF based on the survey data collected?
What are the predictors of burnout and turnover at MCF based on the regression analysis?
What recommendations do you have based on the concepts covered in class to address the retention issues at MCF?


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