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Choose a business in the media having difficulties with its

Wridemy Plagiarism Free Paper Writing Website. Visit us here Wridemy Choose a business in the media having difficulties with its operating model or one which is struggling in your community. Evaluate how all or some of the items from the Operations Consulting Tool Kit in Operations and Supply Chain Management could help this business get back … Read more

Research Paper [30%]This project is meant to be a learning

Wridemy Plagiarism Free Paper Writing Website. Visit us here Wridemy Research Paper [30%]This project is meant to be a learning activity to assist in preparing you for a future project (e.g., thesis, technical report). Students will work with real data to answer a research question (or questions) of their own interest, using concepts learned in … Read more

Financial reporting Due: 21 septemberContent of the report

Wridemy Plagiarism Free Paper Writing Website. Visit us here Wridemy Financial reporting Due: 21 septemberContent of the reportThis task requires you to prepare a report to evaluate and comment on information providedin the annual report of a company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Yourcomments or evaluation should comply with the requirements of relevant AustralianAccounting … Read more

Recycle Technology software – Not-for-profit organization

Paper instructions:Problem:You and your friends have decided to start Recycle Technology,a not-for-profit organization that would recycle and donate used computer equipment. In the first planning session, your group recognizes the need for certain software to help you with various parts of the business, such as tracking inventory,designing notices, mapping addresses for pickup and delivery,and soliciting … Read more

SOC analysts – Threat assessment using FAIR methodology

You can choose 1 of the following topics:China Chopper ScansPeppa Pig ScansWannaCryPort 3389Port 9530C99 Web ShellPetya and PetyaWrapWicked (Mirai Variant)Miori (Mirai Variant)Assuming you have chosen one of the above topics, do the following:You are currently working in a research wing for a standard SOC (Security Operations Center). The SOC keeps analytics on the current trends … Read more

Conflict between – Fighting to stop the illness, Getting in the way

Respond to each of these four discussion prompts based on pages 80-127 of’And the Band Played On’Format: Use the ICE http://waldenwritingcenter.blogspot.com/2018/05/using-ice-method-to-strengthen-analysis.html (Links to an external site.) paragraph as a model and provide your: Introduce your idea Cite the book to back it up Explain the importance of this ideaDeveloping discussions based on these focal points: Think of it … Read more

Evaluate company’s financial health – Accounting workbook

Overview The final project for this course is the creation of an accounting workbook, various notes to the financial statements, and a management analysis memo. In the professional field, accountants are expected to perform accurate calculations and articulate how financial information impacts the company in a couple of key ways: First, an accountant is responsible … Read more

Organizational use of information systems – Ethical issues

1) What are the main changes taking place in organizational use of information systems? Which of these do you think is having the greatest impact on businesses? 2) What is the connection between organizations, information systems, and business processes? 3) You are consulting with the owner of Better Fitness, a national chain of gyms. What … Read more

Contract analysis scenario – The law of contract

Final Contract Analysis Note: This is a two-part assignment that consists of two different contract analysis scenarios. Please answer both scenarios on one document, and upload it to Blackboard. Contract analysis scenario one—damages determination: Alfred and Barbara own adjoining farms in Dry County, an area where all agriculture requires irrigation. Alfred bought a well-drilling rig … Read more


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