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Parallelograms work book

    1. Calculate α from α1 and α2 and complete the two tables. 2. Using the measured values in the tables, draw 2 force parallelograms each on a separate sheet of paper. Use a specific scale for the force, e.g. 1 N = 10 cm 3. Determine the resultant force Fr from the diagrams … Read more

Research and discuss each company’s history of existence, the information systems utilized by each company, and the advantages and disadvantages of employing information systems to manage people, organizations, and technology. Also, include a comparison of the information system typ

Management Information Systems – Assignment 1: Analysis Paper Project Prompts Research and discuss each company’s history of existence, the information systems utilized by each company, and the advantages and disadvantages of employing information systems to manage people, organizations, and technology. Also, include a comparison of the information system types in the analysis and the business … Read more

Select one Aboriginal policy to analyse (examples include Closing the Gap, The Northern Territory Intervention and Stronger Futures) in response to the following question

Polices about Aboriginal Australians are concerned with making sure Aboriginal people achieve the same standards of health, education and wellbeing as other Australians. Adopting a sociological approach to Indigenous issues requires that we look at little deeper as to why these gaps close so slowly, if at all. Select one Aboriginal policy to analyse (examples … Read more

complete the following assessment

You are required to complete the following assessment The first stage of the progress report is known as ‘Industry Based Project’. The assessment is designed to develop student’s knowledge, generic skills and graduate attributes that enhance job-readiness. The progressive project report needs to demonstrate the development of the following stages for your project: ? your … Read more

Explain the difference between ‘effort’ and ‘elapsed time’.

Question 1 (250 words) 2 a) Explain the difference between ‘effort’ and ‘elapsed time’. What is the significance of this difference for project planning purposes? 2 b) In longer-term project planning, it is wise to assume that staff will be available for project work for less than 100% of the total available time. What factors … Read more

undertake initial assessments and provide counselling services to a range of clients, particularly young people and children.

You work at CareShore as a Case Manager. You are responsible for undertaking initial assessments and providing counselling services to a range of clients, particularly young people and children. Today you are meeting with Caiden, a 16-year-old male. Caiden lives with his younger brother, mother and father. His parents have brought him to CareShore as … Read more

choose an OSHA standard set that was relatively recently added to the regulations for general industry (29 CFR 1910) or construction (29 CFR 1926).

  For this assignment, choose an OSHA standard set that was relatively recently added to the regulations for general industry (29 CFR 1910) or construction (29 CFR 1926). You are free to choose any standard you wish, but some examples of recently enacted standards are: confined spaces in construction; steel erection; hazard communication/GHS; silica in … Read more

Identify a list of possible variables that influence percentage increase in salary.

Providing an overall summary of the following two variables: 1.1. Percentage increase in salary (PercentSalaryHike) 1.2. Attrition 2. Identify potential variables that may influence PercentSalaryHike: 2.1. Identify a list of possible variables that influence percentage increase in salary. Which three independent variables have the more impactful linear relationship with PercentSalaryHike? What form of relationship(s) exist … Read more


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